Answer of all questions

1. Sam gives Dennis a written power of attorney to sell his house. Though the power of attorney doesn’t expressly authorize Dennis to do so, Dennis purchases an ad in the newspaper to advertise sale of the house. The new paper sends a bill to Sam. If Sam is liable for the bill, It’s most likely based on agency by

2.Jane works for Big Business, Inc., as a sales representative. The boss decides to fire her because she isn’t a Mets fan. The boss can

3.State right-to-work laws prohibit

1. Molly borrowed $5,000 from Larry and, as collateral, gave him jewelry and authority to sell the jewelry if she defaulted. Afterward, Molly had second thoughts and revoked the agency. Which of the following statements is true?


2. Tim hires Brett to mow his yard once a week, using the mower stored in Tim’s garage. Tim then gives the mower to his brother Ed, who lives in another town. Brett complains to Tim, pointing out that Brett won’t incur expense to rent a mower to perform the contract. Tim says Brett is uncooperative. Which of the following statements is legally true?



3. Sam gives Dennis a written power of attorney to sell his house. Though the power of attorney doesn’t expressly authorize Dennis to do so, Dennis purchases an ad in the newspaper to advertise sale of the house. The new paper sends a bill to Sam. If Sam is liable for the bill, it’s most likely based on agency by

Complete the task described in question 3.58 on page 134 of your text.

Consider the table.
STAFF_Meeting(EmployeeName, ProjectName, Date)

The rows of this table record the fact that an employee from a particular project attended a meeting on a given date. Assume that a project meets a most once per day. Also, assume that only one employee represents a given project, but that employees can be assigned to multiple projects.

a. state the functional dependencies in STAFF_MEETING

b. Transform this table into one or more tables in BCNF. State the primary keys, candidate keys, foreign keys, and referential integrity constraints.

C. Is your design in part B an improvement over the original table? What advantages and disadvantages does it have?

1. What might a producer do while considering lost production that results from a trip to the market?


2. This standard is the one most used in legal cases and seems to better capture the ethical goals of the very concept of negligence.



3. The situation in which two parties come together freely for an exchange, is considered as upholding fundamental principles, according to which of the following ethical frameworks?

1. Which among the following is indicative of the ethical concern over alleged benefits obtained through market exchanges?


2. Which among the following is not part of the “Four Ps” of marketing?


3. When someone is susceptible to some specific physical, psychological, or financial harm, it is termed

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