Anti Smoking Political Cartoon and Storyboard Assignment

1. Choose one mass media related topic.

*Some topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Impact of media on First Amendment rights
  • Media ethics
  • Social media and the impact on children

2. Create a political cartoon, collage, or storyboard, to fill 1 (one) 8 1/2” X 11” sheet, which supports one side of the chosen issue.

*The point of this assignment is to communicate an argument to an audience/reader.

Images from other sources is permitted, several images from the same source is not permitted.

Additionally, taking entire works and adding words, additional images, removing a few images or words will result in a 0 on the assignment.

A Works Cited page is also necessary when using any images or words from other sources.

Accompanying the one sheet will be a brief description of the cartoon, collage, or storyboard.

A minimum of 1/2 of a page and a maximum of 1 full page.

No late assignments accepted.

Please see the attached examples. I used anti-smoking as the topic rather than a mass media topic.

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