Azusa Pacific University Story in Exodus Bible Questions
- Read Exodus 1 – 18
- First, share 7 things about the story in Exodus 1–18 that you find interesting.
- In what ways might we say that women save the day in Exodus 1–18? Try to list all of the examples in the text.
- Offer a definition of what it means to “fear God” (Ex 1:17, 21) that is based on the actions of the midwives in Exodus 1:8-21.
- According to what God tells Moses in Exodus 6:2-3, did the patriarchs know God by the name Yahweh (“the LORD” and “GOD” in English translations) in Genesis? Contrast this statement with Genesis 4.26 and 15.7, where people in the story use the name Yahweh. What do you think of this phenomenon?
- Which is the first plague the Egyptian magicians cannot duplicate?
- Does God do anything that surprises you in these chapters?
- Share four (4) things that Frymer-Kensky says on Saviors of the Exodus” (Part I. Victors) that you find interesting and/or helpful. Briefly explain each selection. (In other words, what do you find interesting and/or helpful about each statement/idea?) Remember to use APA citations.
- Watch this 5-minute clip of a lecture on Pharaoh by Brueggemann (Links to an external site.). Identify his main points (in a list).
- After watching the interview with Stavrakapoulou (see the Multimedia) and reading Mann’s response to the student, offer a paragraph response of your own. Your response can be to Stavrakapoulou, to Mann’s response to the student, or to both!
- After reading Psalm 19 & ALL of Psalm 119, answer the following prompts:
- How does the psalmist describe the torah of Yahweh (NRSV “law of the LORD”)? Share at least five (5) attitudes that the psalmist has regarding the torah. HINT: Look also at words that are a part of Yahweh’s torah, such as “ordinances,” “precepts,” and “commandments.” Also, in addition to noting the adjectives describing the torah, look for what the torah of Yahweh does.
- In one or two sentences, summarize how the psalmist feels about the torah of God.
- In your experience, do Christians share the psalmist’s feelings about the torah? Why or why not do you think this to be the case? (Note: if you don’t have any experience observing Christians in this capacity, simply say so.)
- Read Exodus 19-23; Leviticus 19; Numbers 20:1-13; 27:1-11. Respond to the following discussion prompts:
- List seven (7) examples in this Scripture reading of the situational aspect of God’s torah. In other words, identify examples that demonstrate how God’s teachings may be tied to and even shaped by the realities of Israel’s life. Your examples should cover all four passages listed above.
- One of the major themes of the teaching (torah) in this week’s Scripture reading involves the responsibility of the Israelites to look out for the interests of their neighbors and particularly for the marginalized. List five (5) examples of this theme as you can find from these passages.
- Share 3 ideas on Exodus 21 (“How to Sell Your Daughter as a Slave?”) that you find helpful and/or interesting.
- What does it mean to say that Jesus “fulfills” the OT?
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