Continuing work
by tomorrow I want you to finish
1- Large N
2- Small N
3- Interpretivist Research
Then you finish the 4- Final Paper on May 1
Suggested Structure of Your Paper
Section 1: Research Question, and Literature Review (5-8 pages)
Section 2: Research Design for SISU-306 (2-3 pages)
Section 3: Tradeoffs and Critical Reflections (2-3 pages)
Paper Formatting
Your final narrative paper should be approximately 9-13 double-spaced pages in length.The entire paper should be written in sentence/paragraph form.The bibliography does not count towards the text body page count.The paper should be written in a standard 12-point font with 1” margins.Include your name, the submission date, paper title, and the course number on a separate title page.Be sure to cite sources using any established citation style (Turabian, APA, Chicago, etc.) and include a full bibliography of works cited at the end of the paper.
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