Easy 4 page paper. Using IDEO’s Five Steps of Design Thinking, compile responses to the following questions.
Using IDEO’s Five Steps of Design Thinking, compile responses to the following questions into a final project for this course, in relation to you, your venture, and your innovation:
I plan on creating a at home dog training course and kit that comes with a study guide as a reference to the customer. Also I plan to open a Sit Means Sit franchise.
- What: Discovery with Empathy
- What have you done to understand your customer (human-centered design process)
- What: Scope Definition
- What is your statement of the problem solving competency and customer requirements (define the challenge, clarity and focus)
- How: Generate and Ideate
- What divergent thinking technique have you used to create a design solution (idea generation)
- How: Experimentation and Prototyping
- What is your plan for building a prototype
- What questions do you need answered from your prototype
- How: Evolution and Testing
- How will you solicit feedback about your prototype
Review attached assignment rubric
Minimum 4 pages
Minimum 2 scholarly sources
APA formatted
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