Forum Question

Instructions: Reply to these peer responses must be minimum 600 words. To demonstrate knowledge of the readings, students must use citations in parenthetical reference format and a reference list in the initial post. A minimum of 3 sources in each response.

Format: All assignments for the School of Security and Global Studies (papers, essays, exams, and Forums) must follow the Chicago Style Manual guidelines. Refer to Kate Turabian,A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, 7th ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. The format for in-text citations is given in the Turabian guide linked above. Students are to use the parenthetical form (P) within the text of the document and the reference list form (R) in providing a list of sources.

FYI: You would not start/end a paragraph with research but with your own ideas and discussions. Author information cannot stand alone and your own ideas must be foremost.….

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