Funding Sources for Your Hospital Emergency Management Project Assignment


Comment on one of the key findings described in the Toner et al document.

Identify other funding sources for your hospital emergency management projects

write no less that 400 words with apa refrances

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Comment on one of the key findings described in the Toner et al. document.

One of my biggest takeaways this semester has been the importance of networking and developing relationships working in emergency management. I chose to focus on the second key finding in the Toner et al (2009) document, “The Emergence of Healthcare Coalitions Is Creating a Foundation for U.S. Healthcare Preparedness”, in which they identified community-based collaboration among institutions and agencies in the healthcare sector as essential to preparedness for a mass casualty event. Prior to the Hospital Preparedness Program development in 2002, there was very little preparedness collaboration between hospitals, public health, and other response agencies. Post-2002, HPP and Joint Commission requirements and guidance has led to the creation of coalitions of healthcare institutions and emergency response agencies that now work together to plan for and respond to emergency events. The result of these coalitions has been one on one relationship development, joint planning, increased lines of communication, increased situational awareness, increased resource capacities regarding personnel, supplies, and equipment due to mutual aid agreements and joint purchasing. It seems that a more collaborative environment has evolved from what used to a more competitive environment that was less inclined to work together and share information or resources.

Identify other funding sources for your hospital emergency management projects.

    1. Metropolitan Medical Response System (MMRS): Homeland Security Grant Program that provides funding to local or sub-State regional jurisdictions to support and enhance the integration of local emergency management, health, and medical systems into a coordinated, sustained local capability to respond effectively to a mass casualty incident.
    2. Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) Cooperative Agreement: a program that provides assistance to public health departments to help develop the capacity and capability to be “emergency ready” for a variety of hazards, such as pandemic influenza and anthrax.
    3. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases: provides assistance in basic and applied research, which supports the development of medical countermeasures.

Achieving higher levels of preparedness will require a combined commitment of the hospital industry, public and private payers, and federal, state, and local governments.

Additional funding sources/ideas:

  • Competitive grants to local organizations funded through a combination of federal, state, private, and philanthropic sources.
  • Scarce state funds to crisis care programs
  • Taxes, higher healthcare costs
  • Mobile hospitals (lower cost due to zero operation between disasters, expands capacity)

De Lorenzo, R. (2007). Financing Hospital Disaster Preparedness. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 22(5), 436-439. doi:10.1017/S1049023X00005173

Toner E, Waldhorn R, Franco C, Courtney B, Rambhia K, Norwood A, Inglesby TV, O’Toole T. (2009). Hospitals Rising to the Challenge: The First Five Years of the U.S. Hospital Preparedness Program and Priorities Going Forward. Prepared by the Center for Biosecurity of UPMC for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services under Contract No. HHSO100200700038C.

Toner E. (2017). Healthcare Preparedness: Saving Lives. Health security, 15(1), 8–11. doi:10.1089/hs.2016.0090

Watson, C. R., Watson, M., & Sell, T. K. (2017). Public Health Preparedness Funding: Key Programs and Trends From 2001 to 2017. American journal of public health, 107(S2), S165–S167. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2017.303963

post ibra

key findings in the Toner et al. document are true because currently, disaster preparedness for individuals has greatly improved. It cannot be compared to the situation we had in the country before the HPP began. This is because it has improved disaster training and preparedness of the staff members in case of emergencies. Also, supplies and medicines have been increased in supply to meet the high demands during a disaster. All these have been made possible by the improvement in communication. On the other hand, the emergence healthcare coalitions have been developed, but they are not effective in serving their purpose (Toner, Waldhorn, Franco, Courtney, Rambhia, Norwood, Inglesby and O’Toole 2009). Also, they are not optimally allocated to all regions that might experience disaster occurrences. Also, the finding of healthcare planning being in the early stages is accurate, and if they occur, regional assistance from agencies and hospitals will not be sufficient. Such catastrophic incidence will require assistance at the national level which is not always highly reliable.

The other funding sources for hospital emergency management projects could be from the community. The community could be asked to help by raising funds which will be used in emergency cases for the hospital. The medical training institution in the community can also be of assistance by providing staff supply as a source of service for hospital emergence (Mell, Mumma, Hiestand, Carr, Holland and Stopyra, 2015). Also, the businesses in the society can also be used as funding sources by the hospital whereby they can sponsor the project thus enhance corporate social responsibility to the community. They can fund the project by providing medical and professional supplies that are usually in high demand during disaster cases. Also, they can finance the project by providing training to staff members who will administer services in the event of a disaster. These sources could be useful since the government and other healthcare programs especially those at the national level are unreliable when hospital emergencies occur.


Mell, H. K., Mumma, S. N., Hiestand, B., Carr, B. G., Holland, T., & Stopyra, J. (2015). Emergency medical services response times in rural, suburban, and urban areas. JAMA surgery, 152(10), 983-984.

Toner E, Waldhorn R, Franco C, Courtney B, Rambhia K, Norwood A, Inglesby TV, O’Toole T. (2009). Hospitals rising to the challenge: The first five years of the U.S. hospital preparedness program and priorities going forward Prepared by the Center for Biosecurity of UPMC for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services under Contract No. HHSO100200700038C.

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