George Mason University Power Output Discussion

I needed someone who have this software and this components to help me to do this assignment.

Software needed: MPLAB X IDE from Microchip

Components needed: 1- Curiosity HPC Development Board Part Number: DM164136 . & 2- 2 microcontrollers PIC18f45 K 50 (PIC18F45K50-I/P 40 PDIP)

Instruction for the assignment :

Produce an output from a 110 VAC device

An example of this could be turning off/on a 110 VAC bulb

YOU NEED TO USE A POWER ELECTRONICS SOLUTION (i.e. the one recommended in the parts list).

The assignment must include: A pdf file describing:

  • Problem description
  • Pseudocode
  • Assembly code (Comments please)
  • Wiring diagram
  • System’s Picture and short video (use your smartphone)
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