ISSC343 discussion response

Need to respond to the below two students’ initial posts, and each of these responses should be at least 150 words. The question the students are answering are in bold below.

  • List the components of a radio system
  • Describe how different factors affect the design of a radio system

Student one:

Hello classmates,

For this week’s second topic, chapter three consists of learning what the parts to a radio system are and to describe them. According to our text book, there are four main components to a radio system. These components are a filter, a mixer, an amplifier, and an antenna.

A filter in the radio system does what the name states. It filters the unwanted radio frequencies or accepts them depending on the setting. There seem to be three filters: low-pass, high-pass, and bandpass. Both low and high pass are set to have either a minimum or maximum limit for the frequencies to be ignored and accepted. The bandpass is a range in between a set of minimum and maximum.

The mixer component takes two inputs, which I understand as channels, and combines them to create a single channel. I am glad this part had a visual aid to get me to have a better understanding. Essentially, it takes the sum of the two highest hertz to create the maximum threshold of the new single output. Just the same, it also takes in the different of the lowest ranges to create the new minimum of the single channel. This combinations then results in the new range of the output channel.

An amplifier helps boost the radio frequency (RF) out into space/air, acting as a sort of gunpowder to help shoot the bullet (radio frequency) out into the air. Both the mixer and filter take away energy from the RF. Also, the atmosphere reduces the amplitude of the RF which is why the amplifier is crucial.

The antenna is what helps send and catch the RF. It is somewhat of the rifle barrel of the system as well as the target. Aside from the components themselves, the need to design a system in which multiple users are able to communicate without interfering each other.


Olenewa, J. Guide to Wireless Communications. [VitalSource Bookshelf]. Retrieved from


Student two:

There are many different components to a radio’s design but there are also many common parts to a radio, all of which can impact its functionality.

First are filters, and just like the name suggests it filters things. What a filter gets rid of is the RF signals that are not apart of the desired signal. It would be difficult for anyone to understand, listen to, or talk to someone else without filters because radio waves are dispersed through an area. Without filters we would get everything under the sun that emitted radio waves.

Beyond filters lies another component to radios, mixers. Mixers can take in two input signals, combine them, and create a signal that is the combination of the two original signals. The real advantage of mixers is that by adding a second signal you can transmit data at any specified frequency. For instance, if you had a signal that originally was half the frequency you wanted it to be then you could use a mixer to get the desired frequency.

Third are amplifiers, which increases the amplitude of a signal. Essentially this means that it helps signals become stronger. RF signals loose strength when traveling though the circuits of a radio and therefore if not amplified they may not have the strength to be detected by the desired destination of the signals. Amplifiers are often one of the very last stages in RF devices.

Lastly comes the antennae, which receive the wanted signal from the source or transmit the signal after the amplifiers boosted the RF signal. These are important because without them It would be very difficult to be able to use RF as a means of communication.


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