MGT304 University of Miami Organizational Behavior and Management Questions
After reading the assigned readings, answer the following question(s) on your discussion board post.
- Question 1: What are the Big Five Personality Traits? Which one do you believe you possess the most of?
- Question 2: Discuss three differences between transactional and transformational leadership.
The post should a) answer the question posed by the instructor and b) critically analyze, to the best of your ability, the implications of the subject matter at hand. I expect that these posts will be at least 2 paragraphs in length and be written in a relatively formal academic style taking grammar and spelling into consideration. Please ensure that you provide the page from the text where you drew your answers.
For example: Customers expect organizations to be responsive to their needs (p. 9).
Please read and write a Substantive Reply to at least two (2) other student posts.
A substantive reply examines the post at hand in a polite, yet critical manner. I expect that students will engage with the post and offer critical thinking and use thoughtful questions about the topic at hand to advance thinking. These should be at least a paragraph in length; quick comments like “I really liked your post-you did a good job!” are not advised.
Please try to do your post and your two replies as early in the week as you can while still creating good work. The more engaged we all are, the more everyone will enjoy the course.
Read Chapters 3 & 15 of Konopaske, Ivancevich, and Matteson (KIM)
Chapter 3: Individual Differences at Work
I think that we can all agree that individuals are different. Why would this be any different in the work environment? This chapter discusses diversity and differences in attitudes, personality, and emotional intelligence. Pay close attention to emotional intelligence, as this has proven to be a greater indicator of leadership effectiveness than intelligence itself.
Chapter 15: Leadership
This chapter will be important when you write your leadership paper. There are hundreds of different kinds of leaders, and this chapter defines leadership and discusses why it is important. When I teach this class in-person, I tell my students that leadership ALWAYS matters. Everything that you seek to get done or accomplished by someone else is impacted by leadership. When you go out to eat, the leadership often determines how clean the restaurant it, how well the food is cooked, how good the service is, etc… Subsequently, leadership is ALL ABOUT THE PEOPLE.
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