Module 7 | Discuss Statistic

Module 7 | Discuss


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Research Article


Now that we have been through a full class in statistics, we have learned many of the basic analysis techniques used in statistics. These methods can be applied to just about everything, including nursing. We have just touched the surface of statistics, but we should be able to understand more when it comes to reading research articles in the field of nursing. For this discussion post, we will read another article and answer some more complicated questions than we did in module 3.


For this discussion post, please read this article Download this article

Discussion Prompts

The ability to review and synthesize empirical literature will support your development as a skillful research consumer. Read the attached research study by Olafsen et al. (2021) and respond to the following prompts.

  1. The study’s introduction provides a background of the phenomena of interest (topic) that will be examined in the study. Moreover, the introduction will report the purpose of the current study. After reading the introduction report in your own words the stated purpose of the study. For example, Olafsen et al. (2021) examined to what extent.
  2.  Report the research questions and hypotheses for the study.
  3.  What descriptive statistics were reported (i.e., measures of center & variability)?
  4.  What statistical test(s) were used to test the hypotheses?
  5.  Based on the data analysis results, what were the decisions about the null hypotheses?
  6.  Limitations of the study are features inherent in the research design or methodology that emerge from the conduction of research that influence the ability to interpret and generalize the findings. Report the limitations discussed in the present research study.

Olafsen, A. H., Niemiec, C. P., Deci, E. L., Halvari, H., Nilsen, E. R., & Williams, G. C. (2021). Mindfulness buffers the adverse impact of need frustration on employee outcomes: A self‐determination theory perspective. Journal of Theoretical Social Psychology, 5(3), 283-296. to an external site.

If possible, respond to posts that have not yet received responses from classmates.


  • Initial post due Wednesday, by 11:59 p.m.
  • Responses to two classmates’ posts due Saturday, by 11:59 p.m.

This schedule ensures that you have adequate time to prepare initial responses and to read through the posts and supply meaningful reactions that extend the conversation.

Submission and Assessment Guidelines

  • Post to the Discussion Board in Canvas. For help on how to submit discussion posts, see How do I reply to a discussion as a student?Links to an external site.
  • Respond to at least two (2) of your peers’ posts in a substantive manner.
  • Remember that a substantive post should provide a reason for your beliefs. In other words, why do you feel the way you feel? Your opinion is acceptable, but you must have a solid rationale for it. You will need to respond critically and persuasively.
  • Responses that include comments like “I agree” or “Good point” are not acceptable responses.
  • All Discussion Board posts must be submitted by the due date. Discussions posted after the due date but within the assigned week will receive a 10% deduction. No points will be earned for posts submitted after the Sunday deadline.
  • For instructions on how to view the rubric for this assignment, see How do I view the rubric for my graded discussion?Links to an external site.
  • This discussion is worth 25 points.
  • Discussions posted after the due date but within the assigned week will receive a 10% deduction. No points will be earned for posts submitted after the assigned week.
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