This essay is asking you to formalize your thoughts on the movie wit and the Death of Ivan Ilyich. Wit and the death of Ivan combine to be a capstone for the course content. Watching wit in light of Tolstoy novella is meant to drown together in this paperThe Three-course theme we have done, the nurse’s ethics, suffering, and empathy, demonstrate your engagement with the course by tracing the theme trough Wit and the death of Ivan and then by quoted direct reference of at least four other official sources what do our many scholars have to offer to the perhaps emotional interaction of spirituality and healthcare.Finish your essay on how your healthcare setting would be improved.· The essay must be 6-7 pages In a word document.· Your grammar and spelling must be correct.· Number of pages in the lower right corner, typed double spaced, 12-font times, New Roman· Block quotes of more than 4 lines are single-spaced and indented· Use parenteral in-text citation fomat (Ch4,p67) or (Peters, Ch3, p45) only include full bibliographic referenceWatch (or read, if you prefer) Wit

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