


Read the discussion prompts and create an initial post of 200-250 words. After you complete your initial post, respond to your classmates.

Discussion Prompts

This is our final discussion for the course. Please take your time to reflect and answer the following questions:

a. What are the three (3) most valuable concepts you learned in this course?

1. Solving real world problems involving ratio and proportion.

2.International system of Units and conversion between metric system 

3.Word Problems


b. Think about what helped you in this course. What two (2) tips could you share with your classmates or future students?

-1.practice regularly  2.learn from your mistake


c. Reflect on the knowledge and skills you learned and practiced in this course. From what you learned, what could you use in your nursing career?

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Read the discussion prompts and create an initial post of 200-250 words. After you complete your initial post, respond to your classmates.

Discussion Prompts

This is our final discussion for the course. Please take your time to reflect and answer the following questions:

  • What are the three (3) most valuable concepts you learned in this course?
  • Think about what helped you in this course. What two (2) tips could you share with your classmates or future students?
  • Reflect on the knowledge and skills you learned and practiced in this course. From what you learned, what could you use in your nursing career?
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Week 10 Reflection



Following the clinical day upload your reflective answers to the following questions. These are personal, they are not viewed by anyone other than myself so this is a safe place for the expression of feelings. Answers are NOT one-sentence answers, write a paragraph for each question. There are no wrong answers in these reflections, they care about your personal ideas, feelings, thoughts etc.


1. Did you meet your initial learning objectives? Did your thoughts about mental health or addiction (wellness or illness) in general change, if so how and why?

2. Are your thoughts about the cultural and societal aspects of mental health or addiction different now than before the class started, if so how? If not, explain why.

3. What was your most valuable learning experience during your mental health clinical? What was your least valuable?

4. Discuss the various clinical sites (was the experience one that provided learning, were the staff open to having students, what are the strengths and weaknesses of the sites).

5. Why is it important to incorporate new evidence into practice? How will you ensure that you keep up with the latest evidence in nursing?

6. Share any other thoughts you have about this clinical experience. You may discuss anything here you want to, both positive or negative.


Due Date

Mar 18, 2022

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Week 9 Reflection Mental Health


Following the clinical week upload your reflective answers to the following questions. These are personal, they are not viewed by anyone other than myself, so this is a safe place for the expression of feelings. Answers are NOT one-sentence answers, write a paragraph for each question. There are no wrong answers in these reflections, they care about your personal ideas, feelings, thoughts etc.


Reflection is a process that is known to assist nurses in the development of necessary skills and competencies when undertaking training within clinical settings. Broadly, the ultimate aim of reflection in clinical education is to support the development of healthcare professionals who are able to, by their own initiative, enhance the development of further skills through the conscientious and strategic reflection of their experiences and knowledge to become reflective practitioners. Reflection allows students to make sense of the events that occur in clinical settings and to critically examine not only their role, behaviors, actions, and beliefs but also those of others

What aspect of mental illness/mental health are you interested in and why?

The incorporation of evidence-based practice is important in treatment and therapy modalities. What types of therapies did you see being implemented? (For example: cognitive/behavioral, pharmacologic, music, group, occupational, art, etc.). Was there anything new or interesting being done to treat the patients at the sites you went to?

What areas of practice do you feel most confident in? Least confident in?

What did you become sensitive to or aware of in yourself as you progress through your mental health clinical rotation?

Within nursing, there are those who will not support you in your professional growth. How can you stay positive when dealing with the many stresses associated with nursing practice? (You can address negative attitudes of many nurses, burn-out, long hours, the emotional stress of losing patients, etc.)

Please elaborate as much as possible on the last question


Due Date Mar 10th, 2022

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Week 8 Reflection Mental Health

Following the clinical week upload your reflective answers to the following questions. These are personal, they are not viewed by anyone other than myself, so this is a safe place for the expression of feelings. Answers are NOT one-sentence answers, write a paragraph for each question. There are no wrong answers in these reflections, they care about your personal ideas, feelings, thoughts, etc.

Reflection is a process that is known to assist nurses in the development of necessary skills and competencies when undertaking training within clinical settings. Broadly, the ultimate aim of reflection in clinical education is to support the development of healthcare professionals who are able to, by their own initiative, enhance the development of further skills through the conscientious and strategic reflection of their experiences and knowledge to become reflective practitioners. Reflection allows students to make sense of the events that occur in clinical settings and to critically examine not only their role, behaviors, actions, and beliefs but also those of others.

  1. The “Free Britney Movement” brought attention to guardianship/conservatorship of those with mental illness. Discuss the legal aspects of guardianship in America. What are the criteria, who typically decide a person is to be placed under guardianship, who is typically placed under guardianship, what is the average length of time for guardianship to last, what is the risk for abuse of guardianship?


  1. Do you think that Britney Spears is a unique case, or do you think that there are others who have been placed under guardianship inappropriately? Do you think Britney Spears was placed or kept under guardianship inappropriately? If so, why?


  1. If you thought someone was placed under guardianship inappropriately or that the guardianship was being abused, do you think you would speak out?

Due Date

Mar 3, 2022

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Week 6 Reflection Mental Health


Following the clinical week upload your reflective answers to the following questions. These are personal, they are not viewed by anyone other than myself, so this is a safe place for the expression of feelings. Answers are NOT one-sentence answers, write a paragraph for each question. There are no wrong answers in these reflections, they care about your personal ideas, feelings, thoughts, etc.

Reflection is a process that is known to assist nurses in the development of necessary skills and competencies when undertaking training within clinical settings. Broadly, the ultimate aim of reflection in clinical education is to support the development of healthcare professionals who are able to, by their own initiative, enhance the development of further skills through the conscientious and strategic reflection of their experiences and knowledge to become reflective practitioners. Reflection allows students to make sense of the events that occur in clinical settings and to critically examine not only their role, behaviors, actions, and beliefs but also those of others.

1.Discuss the milieu and what its purpose is in inpatient mental health care. Did you observe it as a positive or effective area for patient improvement or as a negative area that does not promote patient recovery? Discuss.

2.Discuss the pros and cons of involuntary admissions for the patient, the patient’s family, and the health care providers.

3.Discuss your feelings about involuntary admissions. Do they benefit society and the patient? What is the burden that involuntary admissions place on nurses legally? What is the burden this places on the facility legally?

4.Given that many inpatient mental health patients are discharged and then readmitted within a year of discharge, do you think we are addressing mental illness in a way that promotes optimum health for those with mental illness? What changes, if any, do you think would help in caring for those with mental illness?

Due Date

Feb 17th, 2022 9:59 PM

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Following the clinical day upload your reflective answers to the following questions. These are personal, they are not viewed by anyone other than myself, so this is a safe place for the expression of feelings. Answers are NOT one-sentence answers, write a paragraph for each question. There are no wrong answers in these reflections, they care about your personal ideas, feelings, thoughts, etc.

Reflection is a process that is known to assist nurses in the development of necessary skills and competencies when undertaking training within clinical settings. Broadly, the ultimate aim of reflection in clinical education is to support the development of healthcare professionals who are able to, by their own initiative, enhance the development of further skills through the conscientious and strategic reflection of their experiences and knowledge to become reflective practitioners. Reflection allows students to make sense of the events that occur in clinical settings and to critically examine not only their role, behaviors, actions, and beliefs but also those of others.

1. What interventions or community resources might be necessary to assist mental health/addiction patients after discharge? Describe the discharge process at a facility that you observed/assisted in. If you did not observe or assist with a discharge, describe what the process is and what resources are utilized by the facility. 

2. The process of providing care to patients is a challenging process that requires tremendous efforts of the nursing staff to get the expected health outcomes. This process of care provision could build mental stress within the nurses.  It is very important for the nursing staff to build enough resilience to provide safe and quality care to their patients. Discuss what resilience means to you and how you can build resilience within yourself to assist you as a nurse to maintain the balance between work and private life. 

3. Define some of your most challenging moments in the on-site clinical. What made them so?

4. What have you analyzed in the situation(s) from question 3 to help you if you encounter a similar situation in the future?

5. What would be your action plan that can enhance your performance in future practices? (Write about what you would do to improve your care of mental health/addiction patients. You can use a situation from question 3 or from a broad viewpoint). Remember that you will encounter patients with addiction and mental illness in any area in which you work.


Supplies are very limited at the facility, not enough staff members to care for patients. Staff members take a long time to assist Patients at the facility. Incorporate this when answering question 3

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Reflection is a process that is known to assist nurses in the development of necessary skills and competencies when undertaking training within clinical settings. Broadly, the ultimate aim of reflection in clinical education is to support the development of healthcare professionals who are able to, by their own initiative, enhance the development of further skills through the conscientious and strategic reflection of their experiences and knowledge to become reflective practitioners. Reflection allows students to make sense of the events that occur in clinical settings and to critically examine not only their role, behaviors, actions, and beliefs but also those of others.


1. What assessment tools might be appropriate for mental health or addiction patients? Describe an assessment tool, the advantages, and disadvantages of the assessment tool. Why would this tool be used over another one? (You may choose a tool used for a particular mental or addiction illness and answer the questions based on that tool and illness)

2. Identify 2 therapeutic communication techniques (found in your textbook or Brightspace) that were effective and utilized during a conversation with a patient thus far in your clinical rotation.

3. What was your first thought about a patient that you did an assessment on or had a conversation with? (BE HONEST). What were your thoughts of your patient after your assessment or conversation? Did your view or opinion change?

4. Describe a portion of a conversation you engaged in with a patient that was ineffective. Which therapeutic communication technique (from your textbook) could have been utilized to increase effectiveness?

5. Describe an interdisciplinary team member that you observed or interacted with. What is their job responsibility? How do they interact with patients? How do they contribute to the interdisciplinary team?


My reflection for this week took place at Fair Oaks Mental Intuition. I was assigned to the Geriatric Ward

One of my patients responded no to everything or she will not participate in any activity

I also played cards with a group of ladies that way mentally challenged. Please focus on my comment when working on this reflection Thank you.

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Reflection is a process that is known to assist nurses in the development of necessary skills and competencies when undertaking training within clinical settings. Broadly, the ultimate aim of reflection in clinical education is to support the development of healthcare professionals who are able to, by their own initiative, enhance the development of further skills through the conscientious and strategic reflection of their experiences and knowledge to become reflective practitioners. Reflection allows students to make sense of the events that occur in clinical settings and to critically examine not only their role, behaviors, actions, and beliefs but also those of others.


1. What assessment tools might be appropriate for mental health or addiction patients? Describe an assessment tool, the advantages, and disadvantages of the assessment tool. Why would this tool be used over another one? (You may choose a tool used for a particular mental or addiction illness and answer the questions based on that tool and illness)

2. Identify 2 therapeutic communication techniques (found in your textbook or Brightspace) that were effective and utilized during a conversation with a patient thus far in your clinical rotation.

3. What was your first thought about a patient that you did an assessment on or had a conversation with? (BE HONEST). What were your thoughts of your patient after your assessment or conversation? Did your view or opinion change?

4. Describe a portion of a conversation you engaged in with a patient that was ineffective. Which therapeutic communication technique (from your textbook) could have been utilized to increase effectiveness?

5. Describe an interdisciplinary team member that you observed or interacted with. What is their job responsibility? How do they interact with patients? How do they contribute to the interdisciplinary team?


My reflection for this week took place at Fair Oaks Mental Intuition. I was assigned to the Geriatric Ward

One of my patients responded no to everything or she will not participate in any activity

I also played cards with a group of ladies that way mentally challenged. Please focus on my comment when working on this reflection Thank you.

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Reflection is a process that is known to assist nurses in the development of necessary skills and competencies when undertaking training within clinical settings. Broadly, the ultimate aim of reflection in clinical education is to support the development of healthcare professionals who are able to, by their own initiative, enhance the development of further skills through the conscientious and strategic reflection of their experiences and knowledge to become reflective practitioners. Reflection allows students to make sense of the events that occur in clinical settings and to critically examine not only their role, behaviors, actions, and beliefs but also those of others.


1. Describe the provision of patient-centered care (how involved were staff in the care of patients, what kinds of activities did you see, how did you spend your week interacting with the patients). 

2. What is your understanding of recovery-oriented mental health care? Strengths-based care? Person/family-centered care? What is your understanding of any models that the facility uses? 

3. What is the most important thing you learned this week?

4. What made you curious this week? 

5. Summarize your clinical week (areas where you were involved, the types of patients you saw, what you did). Describe any feelings you experienced, both positive or negative.



AJON RECOVERY 327 W, LANTANA ROAD, LANTANA FL. 33462 tel. 561-969-6939

This is the location I did my clinical session




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Reflect back over the past eight weeks and describe how the achievement of the course outcomes in this course have prepared you to meet the MSN program outcome #1, the MSN Essential VII, and the Nurse Practitioner Core Competencies # 8.

Program Outcome #1: Provide high quality, safe, patient-centered care grounded in holistic health principles. (holistic health & patient-centered care)

MSN Essential VII: Interprofessional Collaboration for Improving Patient and
Population Health Outcomes

Recognizes that the master’s-prepared nurse, as a member and leader of interprofessional teams, communicates, collaborates, and consults with other health professionals to manage and coordinate care.

Nurse Practitioner Core Competencies

# 8 Ethics Competencies


  1. Integrates ethical principles in decision making.
  2. Evaluates the ethical consequences of decisions.
  3. Applies ethically sound solutions to complex issues related to individuals, populations and systems of care.
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