respond to the classmates
1. One skill that I think is important to utilize when working within a K-12 educational setting is collaboration. Working with students in an education system of times includes collaborating with their parents, teachers, administrators, etc. It is important to be able to collaborate with these people in order to gauge the student’s progress and determine the best course of action (this is especially important when working with younger children who really rely on their parents and support systems). While working in a K-12 educational setting, I also think it is important to utilize different theoretical orientations. Children are extremely different and what works for some may not work for others. For example, younger children may benefit from play therapy due to their lack of understand and ability to discuss feelings. Whereas older kids may benefit more from a CBT or psychodynamic approach. It is important for a counselor working in this setting to be able to utilize different approaches based on what will be most effective for each student.
2. Working in a post-secondary educational system requires counselor to utilize a different set of skills. The skill that I think need to be utilized in this setting are psychoeducation and coping skills. Gladding and Newsome (page 329) stated that approximately 86% of college students reported feeling overwhelmed sometime within the last 12 months. College is an extremely stressful time for a number of reasons. For most people it is the first time they are living away from their parents, they have more freedom and responsibilities than before, and they are pressured to decide what they want to do for the rest of their lives. Educating post-secondary students about how common stress is at this time in their life will hopefully make them feel less alone. Additionally, it is important to teach these students good/effective coping skills to deal with stress and anxiety.
3. When working outside of the school setting, I would foster a positive relationship with K-12 student service personnel by collaborating with them when making a treatment plan. I believe that it is important to have a collaborative relationship with student service personnel. This will help the student by having a student service personnel within the school that can encourage and reinforce the treatment plan and potential coping skills. The student service personnel will be able to observe the student within the school setting and track/report their progress back to me.
I would use the standard A.10.e. which focuses exclusively on the subject of bartering. It states that counselors should discuss any relevant issues and concerns that are associated with the proposed bartering agreement. The standard also states that bartering in any instance can only be ethically considered if it will not lead to exploitation or harm, is the client’s idea, and it is an accepted practice among other professionals in the counseling community. I would also consider standards A.6.b. and A.6.c that discuss the extension and documentation of boundaries. These standards state that counselors should utilize “informed consent, consultation, supervision, and documentation” when expanding their professional relationship with the client. In regards to documentation the counselor should document the extensions of the boundary. In addition a formal contract or written agreement of some sort should be on file to address the nature and foreseen or unforeseen incidents involving the extension of boundaries.
I would first consult with a supervisor my displeasure in the current bartering agreement between my client Janice and myself. I would then let Janice know as my architect, not as my client, that I am not pleased with the plans. I would allow Janice to make revisions. However if those plans are also unsatisfactory I would explore other options into continuing counseling services. As mentioned in the video I can possibly facilitate in the contacting of different agencies or services who can provide Janice with continued counseling sessions that are within her current budget.
Personally, I would be extremely disappointed in myself because I should have trusted my gut instinct in not agreeing to the battering of services in the first place. Again in handling the situation I would seek advice from a supervising clinician or colleagues who may have more insight into a solution for this predicament. I would reassess the terms of the bartering agreement again with Janice and let her know how I feel. I would suggest that we discontinue service because it is becoming damaging to the effectiveness of our therapeutic relationship in the long run and subsequently to the attainment of her therapeutic goals.
1. The ACA principles that are most applicable are beneficence and nonmaleficence. Beneficence applies because the counselor should work for the good of the client, which includes considering alternatives so a client can continue seeking services. Nonmaleficence applies in the sense that the counselor needs to avoid harming the client and should thoroughly consider the ramifications of bartering with Janice. The standard that is most applicable is A.10.e, Bartering. This standard explains that bartering is acceptable in cases where the client requests it, there is no harm in the exchange, concerns are discussed among the counselor and client, the exchange is accepted in the community where the counselor practices, and the exchange is thoroughly documented in a written contract. Taking these factors into account can assist in making the decision of whether to barter with Janice.
2. To avoid this situation in the first place, I would ensure there was a clear understanding between Janice and I prior to her developing any plans. Within our written contract, I would be specific as to what the plans would look like to avoid any miscommunication. In the event I was displeased with Janice’s plans, I believe the most ethical approach would be to consult with a mediator to rectify this situation. I would thank Janice for the work she had done and apologize for not being more specific about her plans in our contract. I would attempt to create a second written contract, in collaboration with the mediator and Janice, and frequently review this contract to ensure Janice and I were in agreement with our quality of services. I would attempt this approach in an empathic way to avoid offending the client. If I felt that disclosing my dissatisfaction would cause the client more harm than good, I believe the most ethical approach would be to accept her plans and remember to be more thorough in future bartering contracts.
3. Similarly, I would consult with a mediator to straighten out any misunderstandings that led me to take advantage of Janice. In collaboration with the mediator and Janice, I would attempt to work out a second written contract with specifics guidelines and a date of bartering termination. First, I would graciously thank Janice for the work she did and apologize for the miscommunication in our agreement. Depending on what was agreed upon in our contract, I might offer the option of extending our counseling sessions by one to two sessions. I might consider the option of offering a small good, as opposed to another service, since goods are typically more acceptable than services within bartering guidelines. However, I would stay clear of offering any large gifts to Janice in an effort to repay her because I would not want to cross any boundaries in the therapeutic relationship. My biggest concern is that I would not want to jeopardize my professional judgment or impact our therapy sessions. At the same time, I would want to balance our agreement.
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