Response to Lani Dino
The selected article is by Sikora, Evans, and Kelley, titled “Scholarly culture: How books in adolescence enhance adult literacy, numeracy and technology skills in 31 societies.” The research analyzes the scholarly culture theory, which supports the fact that exposing children to books at an early age has a positive impact on their educational achievement and their career in future (Sikora, Evans, & Kelley, 2019). The authors believe that if children are exposed to books or the culture of reading at an early age, they are likely to perform exemplary in their academics and, eventually, in their future careers. According to the findings of the research, book-oriented socialization, which can be indicated by the size of the home library, is likely to equip the young people with knowledge, skills, and long-life tastes (Sikora, Evans, & Kelley, 2019). This aspect has not been properly assessed by many scholars since most studies related to the subject do not cover the advantages of adult technological problem solving, numeracy, and literacy (Sikora, Evans, & Kelley, 2019). Therefore, according to the findings of the study, children who grow up with home libraries are likely to acquire the mentioned attributes, as compared to their counterparts who are not exposed to such facilities.
The study used simple random sampling to select a group of respondents from the target population. The sampling method was effective because it helped in determining the home library size and the number of adolescents who can access them in 31 societies. In this case, it was easy to determine the means and percentages of the targeted societies since the respondents were selected randomly. Additionally, the selected sampling method was effective because the researchers were able to come up with a smaller size from a large population (Hamada & Ryan, 2016).). The sample was later used to make generalization concerning the entire target population. Random sampling was, therefore, easy to use in the given scenario.
Hamada, M. S., & Ryan, K. J. (2016). Combined analysis of overlapping stratified random sample and simple random sample data. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 32(1), 309-314.
Sikora, J., Evans, M. D. R., & Kelley, J. (2019). Scholarly culture: How books in adolescence enhance adult literacy, numeracy and technology skills in 31 societies. Social science research, 77, 1-15.
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