Reverend Jessie Jackson Affirmative Action and Michelle Obama Questions

-Please answer the questions below through research to establish a deeper understanding of the first part of Becoming:

1. Who is the Reverend Jessie Jackson? What are some significant contributions he’s made to society? Why is he important to African Americans?

2. What is Affirmative Action? Why do colleges and universities have affirmative action policies? Do you think it’s important to have policies such as these? Why or why not?

-Respond to the questions below with critical, in-depth responses:

1. What does the high school counselor tell Obama about applying to Princeton University? How does Obama react to the counselor’s comments?

2. How does Obama adjust to school life at Princeton? What does she find different from high school? What does she notice about race and color at the college?

3. How does the Michelle Obama feel about Barack Obama when she first meets him? How do her feeling change once she gets to know him better?


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