The Milgram Experiment

Discussion Board: The Milgram Experiment


The Milgram experiment on obedience to authority figures was a series of social psychology experiments conducted by Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram. They measured the willingness of study participants, men from a diverse range of occupations with varying education levels, to obey an authority figure who instructed them to perform acts conflicting with their conscience. Participants were led to believe that they were assisting an unrelated experiment in which they had to administer electric shocks to a “learner.” These fake electric shocks gradually increased to levels that would have been fatal had they been real.


Watch the video Milgram Experiment – Big History NL, Threshold 6Links to an external site. (5:04).



Discussion Prompts

  • Under what situations would you follow the authority who ordered actions that went against your conscience?
  • Could you have administered these electrical shocks, even if they were for experimental purposes? Why or why not?

Citation: BigHistoryNL. (2013, March 19). Milgram experiment – Big history NL, threshold 6 [Video]. YouTube.


  • Initial post due Wednesday, by 11:59 p.m.
  • Responses to two classmates’ posts due Saturday, by 11:59 p.m.

This schedule ensures you have adequate time to prepare initial responses, read through the posts, and supply meaningful reactions that extend the conversation.

Submission and Assessment Guidelines

  • Post to the Discussion Board in Canvas. For help on how to submit discussion posts, review How do I reply to a discussion as a student?Links to an external site.
  • In order to earn full credit, the initial post must contain 200 words.
  • Respond to at least two (2) of your peers’ posts in a substantive manner. In order to earn full credit, response posts must contain 100 words in each post.  Please review the rubric for additional details.
  • Remember that a substantive post should provide a reason for your beliefs. In other words, why do you feel the way you feel? Your opinion is acceptable, but you must have a solid rationale for it. You will need to respond critically and persuasively.
  • Responses that include comments like “I agree” or “Good point” are not accepted as required responses.
  • Review the Discussion Board Rubric for grading criteria. For instructions on how to view the rubric for this assignment, review How do I view the rubric for my graded discussion?Links to an external site.
  • This discussion is worth 30 points.
  • Discussions posted after the due date but within the assigned week will receive a 10% deduction. No points will be earned for posts submitted after the assigned week.
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The Milgram Experiment

Discussion Board: The Milgram Experiment


The Milgram experiment on obedience to authority figures was a series of social psychology experiments conducted by Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram. They measured the willingness of study participants, men from a diverse range of occupations with varying education levels, to obey an authority figure who instructed them to perform acts conflicting with their conscience. Participants were led to believe that they were assisting an unrelated experiment in which they had to administer electric shocks to a “learner.” These fake electric shocks gradually increased to levels that would have been fatal had they been real.


Watch the video Milgram Experiment – Big History NL, Threshold 6Links to an external site. (5:04).



Discussion Prompts

  • Under what situations would you follow the authority who ordered actions that went against your conscience?
  • Could you have administered these electrical shocks, even if they were for experimental purposes? Why or why not?

Citation: BigHistoryNL. (2013, March 19). Milgram experiment – Big history NL, threshold 6 [Video]. YouTube.



2023 Discussion Board Rubric (30 Points)


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDemonstration of Knowledge, Understanding and Application of Content in Initial Post

15 pts


Answers all discussion questions and prompts with pertinent information demonstrating critical thinking and thorough understanding of course content. Post exceeds 200 words in length.

12 pts


Answers all discussion questions. Missing detailed information on 1 prompts or required elements. Post exceeds 200 words in length.

10 pts


Answers all discussion questions. Some answers are superficial without clear evidence of critical thinking and understanding of content. Lacks detailed information and missing 2 prompts or required elements. Initial post below 200 words but exceeds 150 words.

6 pts

Needs Improvement

Briefly answers all questions but some responses are not correct and/or do not demonstrate understanding of course content. Missing 3+ prompts or majority of required elements. Post does not exceed 150 words.

0 pts


No discussion board post/no submission.

15 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCritical Thinking and Substance of Peer Responses

10 pts


Provides 2 response posts to peers that demonstrate critical thinking and directly addresses the original post. The post demonstrates extension of the original post, an alternative point of view to foster further discussion or reference/resources to support their response. Post exceeds 100 words in length.

8 pts


Provides 2 response posts to peers that directly address the original post. One post is not substantive (not extending knowledge of the original post, an alternative point of view or resources to support response). Post exceeds 100 words in length.

6 pts


1 or 2 response posts are submitted but they could be more substantive or offer little insight to further discussion or a repeat of information already posted without adding further information showing critical thinking. May include responses like “I agree” or “good point” with some supporting evidence but not thoroughly written. Response post below 100 words but exceeds 50 words.

4 pts

Needs Improvement

Response posts “I agree” or “good point”, or a repeat of information already posted without adding further information showing critical thinking. Student responds to a maximum of 1 peer. Response post does not exceed 50 words.

0 pts


No response posts. Student does not respond to any peers.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAcademic Language/Grammar/Composition

5 pts


Excellent use and control of language. Posts and Responses are clearly written and understandable. No misspelled words or typographical errors Citation provided if reference/author cited in posts. APA formatting of reference is used expertly with no errors. Includes (as required for specific courses) minimum of 1 peer-reviewed reference and minimum of 1 reference published within the last 5 years.

4 pts


Good use and control of language. Minor errors (< 2) such as misspelled words, typographical errors or sentence structure issues. APA formatting of references is used with 1-2 errors. Includes (as required for specific courses) maximum of 1 peer-reviewed reference and maximum of 1 reference published within the last 5 years.

3 pts


Average use and control of language. Some (3-5) errors in post. APA formatting of references is used with 3-4 errors. Includes (as required for specific courses) maximum of 1 peer-reviewed reference. References are published >5 years ago.

2 pts

Needs Improvement

Needs improvement. Below average use and control of language. Significant errors (>5) such as misspelled words, typographical errors or sentence structure issues. APA formatting of references is used with 5+ errors. Does not include (as required for specific courses) 1 peer-reviewed reference. References are published >5 years ago.

0 pts


Sentences are incoherent and/or improperly structured. Post has multiple typographical errors, misspelled words, which do not reflect appropriate level of writing. APA formatting of references are not used and/or references not included.

5 pts

Total Points: 30


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