week 10 English
Class: ENG090679VA016-1186-001:Writing Fundamentals
Assignment: Why did you decide to go to Strayer University at this point in your life?
Final Essay
Due Week 10 and worth 200 points
Remember in this course, you will develop one essay. The subject of your essay for this course is “Changing Our Lives.” In your essay, you will present and then explain THREE reasons why you decided to go to college at this time in your life.
In this assignment, you will revise your draft essay to present a polished final essay. Please DO NOT submit a new essay for this assignment.
You will create and submit your assignment by using ecree. Your work will be saved automatically. You’ll see some feedback on the right-hand side of the screen – try to read it and watch the help videos as you go. When you’re ready, you can turn in your assignment by clicking “Submit” at the bottom of the page.
Revise Assignment 6: Draft Essay to improve clarity and organization, along with consistency, parallelism, sentence variety, and language awareness. Also, revise the essay to eliminate grammar, punctuation, spelling, and sentence structure errors. Revise the five (5) paragraph essay in which you:
Develop a clear introduction to the essay.
Develop a thesis with clear avenues of approach.
Develop three clear and organized separate main body paragraphs.
Develop a clear conclusion.
Develop clear topic sentences that have strong transitions for all main point paragraphs.
Develop a high level of supporting information, including facts, details, examples, and evidence, which support the topic sentence.
Use high-level transitions within each paragraph to increase coherence and unity.
Show awareness that a college-educated audience acts as the reader.
Meet the required five to seven (5 to 7) sentence length for each paragraph.
Minimize mechanical, grammar, spelling, punctuation, and stylistic errors.
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