week 4 discuss

e-Activity: Watch the video titled “Levi Strauss & Co: Leaders in  Socially Responsible Business Practices” (2 min 49 s). Be prepared to  discuss.

Video Source: FreedomHouseDC. (2012,  September 23). Levi Strauss & Co: Leaders in Socially Responsible  Business Practices [Video file]. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brZ-N2hxUPg. 

From the e-Activity: 

Create a list of three (3) best practices for  companies that want to be socially responsible and suggest ways that  companies can go about implementing these best practices.

Imagine that you work in a company. You were just in a meeting where you learned that your employer was anticipating declaring bankruptcy,  and you know that your friend is going to place her life savings into the purchase of $20,000 worth of stock at your company. Evaluate the principle of ethics as it applies to leadership and determine the role of ethics as you move upward on the corporate ladder.

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