What you learned from working on developing the team charter

2-3 page reflection paper (not counting cover and reference pages).

Cite the sources used in the paper and any additional sources.

Use APA style – double spaced, 1-inch margins, and font size of 11 points or larger.

Discuss the following:

a. What you learned from working on developing the team charter.

b. Your thoughts on how the process worked within your group.

c. The advantages and disadvantages of using this process to create team charters.


B. Mission Statement:

The mission always defines the goals of the team and its purpose that what a team is going to achieve. That’s why the mission SMART goals are the goals which are set by the team to achieve, and these goals would be specific because vague goals are difficult to obtain (Pangil, 2014). Measurable, it is necessary because without a quantifiable goal it would be challenging to measure team performance. Attainable, a realistic goal helps the team to get success. Realistic and relevant goals are always more motivating as compared to unrealistic. Time bound goals are easy to achieve by meeting the deadline and save the team from procrastination.

Through the use of both class materials and outside research, Team 3 will work together in a virtual environment to produce a high-quality team charter and research paper as part of our consulting project.

C. Vision Statement:

The team will put one hundred percent efforts to achieve its goals by setting the SMART goals. These goals will ultimately help to motivate the team members and to increase productivity.

Objectives of the virtual team

Task process is the fundamental objective of the team but in the virtual team it is necessary and the primary purpose, to make sure the excellent communication (Yalabik & Panteli, 2015). It is essential because the main hurdle in the virtual team is about the communication with each other (Maynard & Gilson, 2014). In the virtual team, it is necessary to set the mission and vision statement.

D. Shared Values:

Shared values are the core belief that guide the behavior of a group. These values are actively used to make decisions. Our team core shared values are honesty, mutual respect, dependability, commitment, reliability and hard work.

Honesty- As a team always we will exercise honesty and integrity. It is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles, or moral uprightness. For example, if we are unable to meet deadlines, we should always communicate the reasons why and at the same time offer a solution.

Mutual respect-Working together as a team. Respecting and appreciating other team members experiences, knowledge, skills, abilities, opinions and ideas. For example, when team member sharing ideas and opinions, we should always show respect by active listening, not over talking them and waiting until our turn to speak.

Dependability– Consistently follows through on their responsibilities, make contributions and make sound decisions. For example, each members will meet deadlines, be consistent, and follow through on all assignments and tasks in the group.

Commitment– Each member of the team focuses on achieving the team’s purpose over and above their individual objectives to the successful completion of the project. Commitment to team goals is created when: All team members contribute to and agree on objectives.

Reliability- Being Reliable. To demonstrate reliability means to show people that one can be depended upon. A team needs to be able to rely on all members of the team to do their part. For example, individual tasks and assignment should be done because another team member is reliant upon each other.

Teamwork- If everyone does their part, then the whole will take care of itself. Successful teams’ complete assignments within the specified time frame. It is especially important to meet deadlines when working in a group.

Hard work- Working hard to produce each person’s part of the whole.

E. Desirable team behaviors and consequences for non-compliance:

Accountability – Everyone should be accountable as an individual member to complete their tasks to the highest of their ability.

Effective communication – Each team member will communicate efficiently with the group. This desired behavior is important because communication is the key to the overall success of any team. All members are expected to maintain an open line of communication and respond to team members within 24-48 hours. If a team member either does not respond in a timely fashion or does not respond at all, then the group leader will reach out to that member directly. If the issue does continue then team leader will reach out to the professor for additional assistance.

Effective Listening – By being active and effective listeners, the group will be able to come to a mutual consensus in a way that evaluates all options to be considered. As long as we are all listening to each other, without ignoring the voice, opinions, and ideas of any of our team, we will be able to come to a greater consensus. After all, “Group decision making, though it can be an arduous process, can help cement the group by allowing input from all members of the group” (Francis, 2017, pg 1).

Encouragement – Each team member will be encouraging and optimistic towards each other. This desired behavior is important because, as team we have to use positive words/tone when communicating with each other to keep the morale of the group at a high level which will allow us to effectively/efficiently complete our tasks.

Open Communication – Each team member will be respectful and understanding of each other’s time and personal life. This desired behavior is important because team members have to understand that we all have family/personal obligations aside from the team assignments. Having a respectful barrier will dissolve any confusion or questioning of personal time/life.

Each team member will also be open to receiving positive constructive criticism. This desired behavior is important because each team member has to be receptive of positive feedback that can assist with completing individual and team tasks.

“Groupthink” – Members will strive to avoid the idea of “groupthink” by encouraging full-team participation, as well as encouraging critical perspectives on decisions made. By ensuring that all ideas are considered when making decisions, we can prevent the sensation of harmony among group members being more important than assessing and evaluating the problems our team may face (Walsh, n.d.). In this way, the team will be able to maintain a sense of independence on an individual level, while still ensuring all voices and opinions are heard.

Punctuality – Completing required assignments or other tasks by the deadlines established, as well as respecting the time and prior commitments of other team members is essential for the success of any group. By ensuring that we keep deadlines and other obligations in mind, team members will be able to ensure that they are able to accomplish all tasks they need to.

Responsibility – Each team member will be responsible for completing his/her individual tasks as well as participating in tasks that require group participation by the team established deadline. This desired behavior is important because each team member should be responsible enough to complete their individual/group tasks on time to ensure that the goals set by the team are met.

If a team member has valuable input on a topic or task chosen by another team member, that team member will provide the aforementioned input to the group. This desired behavior is important because as a team we have to assist each other when possible to accomplish the team goals.

 F. Summary of individual member strengths and weaknesses (self-assessed)

Members Individual areas of strength (e.g., good writer, editor, researcher, organizer, communicator, technology-adept, etc.) Growth areas for teamwork (e.g., limited team experience, tend to “take charge and want to be in control”, writing weaknesses, inexperienced editor, etc.
 Lashonda Bragg  Researcher, organizer, reliable  Writing weakness, citation

 John DeOrnellas Good writer and editor  Limited team experience, procrastination 
 Crystal McCaffity  Good writer, researcher  Procrastination, citation
 C.J Barnett  Good writer and technology  editing and procrastination

G. Team conflict management plan:

Conflict can be harmful if managed destructively, adversely affecting the quality of teams’ decisions, as well as their productivity, innovation, and members’ satisfaction (Desivilya, 2008, p.1).

When managing team conflicts there are factors that need to be considered. These factors depend on the type of conflicts. These various conflicts can relate to tasks, processes, and relationships. Below is how I would deal with each conflict:

Task conflicts are when members have disagreements over what the team is supposed to accomplish. First, I would identify the issues. I would clarify the goals and objectives that need to be done to successfully accomplish our mission. Second, I will communicate to each members’ roles and expectations ensuring they are understood. Third, if the discussion is positive and related to the task to make the team better, I would allow the individual members to discuss and voice their opinions and concerns. After the discussion, a decision will be made.

Process conflicts are when members have concerns and disagreements over how the team should go about its work. To deal with the conflict, First, I would identify the conflicts/issues. I would discuss the impact the conflict is having on team dynamics and performance. I would remind the team that everyone has different viewpoints, experiences, skills and opinions about how things should be done. I would remind the members they should be open to these viewpoints and can’t let differences prevent the team from accomplishing our goals. I would remind them that we must be respectful and professional to other members opinions. Second, I would mediate the situation and allow the team members to voice their concerns and ideas. I would clarify roles and responsibilities ensuring everyone understand their position. We would come back later with an agreement.

Relationship conflicts occur when disagreements between members become personal and emotional. The members’ personalities clash and they just can’t get along. To deal with this conflict, First, I would pull the individual members involved to the side and talk about the issue. Second, I would remind them that everyone has a voice in the group. It is fine to have disagreements, but we can’t let personal issues get in the way of putting the team first and accomplishing our mission. Also, it is our group norm to show each team member respect. Third, I would have the team conduct some type of team building exercise to build relationships and trust.

If the individual still can’t control their emotions, yelling and continuous disrespecting other team members, then I would get a third party involved to help mediate the situation and try to find a solution. I would tell them what actions I took as a team leader to address the behavior. I would tell them this team member is preventing the team from accomplishing the mission. I would ask if that person still refuses to be a team player that he be removed from the team.

H. Statement of team decision protocol:

Our team will work together as an individual unit when making major decisions that would impact the project at any stage. While our team would not be interacting in a face-to-face environment at any time, and would instead interact fully in virtual settings, we will still strive to adhere to the solve framework for team decision making. O’Neill, Hancock, Zivkov, Larson & Law (2016) found that under the solve decision framework, teams are “oriented to find an optimal solution by seeking out and processing all available information” (p. 997). This will help our team to make the most rational decision possible on a regular basis as we assess all information gathered before coming to a final call. Additionally, O’Neill et. al. found that this framework is ideal for “increasing the discussion of unique information and the quality of team decision behavior in general” (2016, p. 997). By keeping all unique information and the quality of the team’s decision behaviors in mind, we will be able to make decisions with the best aspects of each team member in mind. This will also help with preventing conflicts from arising; or if they do, with expediting resolution of those conflicts.

When it comes to emergency situations, our team will strive to utilize a combination of both integrative conflict management, “examining the issues from each member’s point of view and then combining the interests of all team members,” and constructive controversy, which “involves the identification of individual team member information, followed by an open-minded discussion of this information even if it is conflicting or unfamiliar” (O’Neill et. al., 2016, p. 1000-1001). By ensuring that we keep an open mind to all information provided with the emergency situation, our team will be able to remain level-headed without risking any further conflicts arising due to emergency decisions made. While emergency situations may come up that team members are not able to participate in, or be involved with, we will strive to come to a unified decision prior to moving forward with a resolution.

I. Encouragement of Teamwork:

To encourage full participation, all members should adhere to the strengths and weaknesses of each member. If there is an instance where a severe problem arises—misconduct, insubordination, non-compliancy— the professor will be contacted immediately.

J. Team self-assessment approach and methodology:

The team will use a few different tools when it comes to individual, team and organizational success. Each team member will be given a self assessment form as well as a team self assessment form. The reason for the form is for all members to be given the opportunity to give honest feedback on the individual assessment as well as the group assessment. All team member should be open to honest and constructive criticism from the group, so they may see which areas they are struggling in and will be able to correct areas that needs to be corrected.

Self-assessment-The benefit is increased involvement in the process of assessing strengths and areas in need of improvement, identify discrepancies of performance between the group , and to conduct a more constructive evaluation plan so the objectives and goals can be met.

Team-assessment- The benefit of this exercise is to all each member of the group assess the measure of the team. Areas of weakness and strengths can be pointed out to help the the team get a better understanding on areas that needs improvement in order to reach team goal.




Team Project Focus: Team 3 will review, discuss, and formulate a plan to consult Lauren as she is pursuing the formation of a virtual team. There will be three parts to review:

· Part I: Team Preparation

· Brainstorm the challenges and/or opportunities Lauren’s team might face.

· Part II: The Kick-off meeting:

· Create an agenda for Lauren’s kick-off meeting.

· Identify the ground rules for the team, and propose which ground rules should be mandated and which should be negotiated.

· Recommend ways that Lauren could build relationships and trust during the kick-off meeting.

· Part III: Conflict Management and Resolution

· Recommend an action plan for Lauren to resolve conflicts.

· Discuss how Lauren could prevent future conflicts from occurring.

· Recommend ways for Lauren to minimize conflict in the future.

Work towards each of these parts will be split by members of the full team. The team will devote time to drafting, reviewing, revising, and finalizing the full document. For each section, we will devote three pages to each part of the Consulting Project, as well as three to four references per part.

Team Task Assignments & Timeline for Delivery

Task Assigned to: Due by:
A. Team Conference Calls
Conference Call Setup John (sets up conference call and emails all team members the passcode and toll-free number)
Conference Call #1 All team members 8pm EST, Sunday, October 14, 2018
Weekly Conference Calls All team members 5pm-6pm EST Wednesdays
Conference Call Recap John Thursday morning following weekly conference call
B. Team Correspondence Recordkeeping in LEO
Save and upload team email correspondence to Group Team Locker in LEO All team members (full group correspondence uploaded by John) 11:59pm each Friday
C. Team Agreement: (Post the agreement in your team discussion topic so it is readily available to all members and to faculty.) – Due Sunday, October 21
Team Charter Lead/s: 1-2 sections per team member, lead by all Team Members
Coordinate development and production of team charter All Team Members Sunday, October 14, 2018
Review all parts of Phase I of team charter All Team Members Wednesday, October 17, 2018
Develop and Finalize Phase II of team charter All Team Members Friday, October 19, 2018
Complete Individual Reflection Papers on team charter process All Team Members Sunday, October 21, 2018
D. Review of other HRMD665 Team Charters – Due Sunday, October 21
Team Charter review lead/s: 1-2 team members per team charter
Team 1 Charter review All Team Members Sunday, October 21, 2018
Team 2 Charter review All Team Members
Team 4 Charter review All Team Members
Team 5 Charter review All Team Members
E. Group Consulting Project – Due Sunday, November 25
Project lead/s: All team members will complete this project, with individual tasks and sections assigned during October 24th, 2018 conference call.
Review requirements for the Group Consulting Project All Team Members Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Assign parts
Draft Part I CJ Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Draft Part II John, TBD
Draft Part III LaShonda, TBD
Review Part I All team members Wednesday, November 7, 2018
Review Part II All team members
Review Part III All team members
Revise Part I CJ Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Revise Part II John, TBD
Revise Part III LaShonda, TBD
Finalize Part I CJ

Wednesday, November 21, 2018
Finalize Part II John, TBD
Finalize Part III LaShonda, TBD
Submit Final Group Consulting Project All Team Members Sunday, November 25, 2018
Complete Peer Evaluation Form


Desivilya, H. (2008). Conflict management in work teams. In C. Wankel 21st century management: A reference handbook Vol. 2, pp. II-44-II-55. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. doi: 10.4135/9781412954006.n54

Francis, K.A. “Group Vs. Individual Decision Making for a Business.” Small Business – Chron.com, Chron.com, 21 Nov. 2017, smallbusiness.chron.com/group-vs-individual-decision-making-business-448.html.

Maynard, M.T., & Gilson, L.L. (2014). The Role of Shared Mental Model Development in Understanding Virtual Team Effectiveness. Group and Organization Management, 39(1), 3-32.

O’Neill, T., Hancock, S., Zivkov, K., Larson, N., & Law, S. (2016). Team Decision Making in Virtual and Face-to-Face Environments. Group Decision & Negotiation25(5), 995–1020. https://doi-org.ezproxy.umuc.edu/10.1007/s10726-015-9465-3

Pangil, F. (2014). The mediating effect of knowledge sharing on relationship between trust and virtual teams effectiveness. Journal of Knowledge Management, 18(1), 92-106.

Walsh, J. (n.d.). Conformity and groupthink [Video file]. Retrieved from


Yalabik, Z.Y., & Panteli, N. (2015). Employee Engagement in a Virtual Work Environment: The Case of a Virtual Team Temporary Project. Academy of Management Proceedings, 3(2), 5-9.


Individual Research Paper

This assignment is worth 25% of your final grade. It gives you an opportunity to investigate relevant trends in one of topics we are discussing. You must complete this assignment individually, without contacting other students, and you may not use a paper or any part of a paper from a previous class or from another person. The assignment has the opportunity to addresses Course Objectives 3, 4 and 5.

Take a topic mentioned in our readings and explore it further in 6 to 10 pages. Identify and discuss the current trends in your chosen topic area. Possible topics include (but are not limited to) use of virtual teams in global corporations, methods for managing conflict among virtual team members, team-based compensation programs, or team decision making processes.

Support your opinions and statements with a minimum of 7 or more references from sources published within the last ten years and be sure to integrate concepts, theories, and readings from our work over the semester. You can cite scholarly and practitioner-oriented journals, newspaper articles, and YouTube videos about the topic, but not Wikipedia, vendor websites, or other non-academic sources. The UMUC library can help you identify appropriate sources. See the Library tab in the Resources dropdown menu at the top of our classroom for more information about the services provided by the UMUC library.

Use APA format for citations, references, and quotations. This means your list of references should start on a separate page, and should be double spaced, with a hanging indent and no spaces between entries. Your paper should be 6-10 pages (not counting the cover or reference pages), double spaced with one inch margins and a font size of at least 11 points. Writing should be in 3rd person.

Submit your assignment electronically via the Assignment folder.

Name your file this way: YourLastNameFirstInitial_IndividualResearch

(Example: StudentJ_IndividualResearch)

Due date: November 11, 11:59 p.m. Eastern time

Please see the next page for the grading criteria for this assignment.


Criteria for Grading Individual Research Paper

Note: The research paper should be 6-10 pages long, excluding the reference and cover pages.

A B C F Points Earned
Knowledge of Relevant Theories and Concepts

(40 pts)

Student demonstrated exceptional knowledge of relevant theories and concepts from the course; all statements and opinions were supported by appropriate citations from the literature.

40 – 36 points

Student demonstrated satisfactory knowledge of relevant theories and concepts from the course; most statements and opinions were supported by appropriate citations from the literature.

35 – 32 points

Student demonstrated less than satisfactory knowledge of relevant theories and concepts from the course; some statements and opinions were not supported by appropriate citations from the literature.

31 – 28 points

Student demonstrated unsatisfactory knowledge of relevant theories and concepts from the course; many statements and opinions were not supported by appropriate citations from the literature.

27 – 0 points

Quality of Research

(30 pts)

Student did an exceptional job of researching the topic and integrating course readings with the additional research. Student cited more than the minimum number of references; sources listed were all scholarly or practitioner journals, newspapers, annual reports, or academic books from the last ten years.

30 – 27 points

Student did a satisfactory job of researching the topic and integrating course readings with the additional research. Student cited the minimum number of references; sources listed were primarily scholarly or practitioner journals, newspapers, annual reports, or academic books from the last ten years.

26 – 24 points

Student did a less than satisfactory job of researching the topic and integrating course readings with the additional research. Student may not have cited the minimum number of references; some sources listed were not scholarly or practitioner journals, newspapers, annual reports, or academic books from the last ten years.

23 – 21 points

Student did an inadequate job of researching the topic and integrating course readings with the additional research. Student did not cite the minimum number of references; many of the sources listed were not scholarly or practitioner journals, newspapers, annual reports, or academic books from the last ten years.

20 – 0 points

Presentation of Ideas and Mechanics

(20 pts)

Student presented ideas in a compelling manner with no distracting grammar or spelling problems; the page length requirement was met.

20 – 18 points

Student presented ideas presented in a clear, coherent manner with few distracting grammar or spelling problems; the page length requirement was met.

17 – 16 points

Student presented ideas in a somewhat organized manner with several distracting grammar or spelling problems; the page length requirement may not have been met.

15 – 14 points

Student presented ideas in a poorly organized or incoherent manner with many distracting grammar or spelling problems; the page length requirement may not have been met.

13 – 0 points

APA formatting

(10 pts)

All citations, quotations, and references were properly formatted or contained one or two minor errors.

10 – 9 points

Most citations, quotations, and references were properly formatted or contained a few minor errors.

8 points

Some citations, quotations, and references were not properly formatted or contained major errors.

7 points

Most citations, quotations, and references were not properly formatted or contained many errors.

6 – 0 points

Total Points Earned

(100 points max)

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