250 word for reading matic uros de queering hatshepsut binary bind in archaeology of egypt ad kingship beyond the corporeal

250-word for Reading Matić, Urōs. “(De)queering Hatshepsut: Binary Bind in Archaeology of Egypt ad Kingship Beyond the Corporeal.” Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, 23 (3) (Sept., 2016), Page 810-831.

Include an excerpt from the reading that supports your response.

Please answer the following questions to be the focus of your initial response:

Hatshepsut is often a focus of study as she was one of the few women to assume rule of Egypt; she was not alone, though, in this category. What does this article share about other women who assumed such leadership roles in ancient Egypt?

If you have any question before you start, please let me know as soon as you can.



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