Applied Sciences  NEED IN 10 HOURS or LESS

As you look back at your professional career, share with classmates one incident when you witnessed or were part of a powerful partnership experience (internally or externally). What made that experience so positive? What role did the leader play in that success? What are a few aspects of their leadership that you desire to make part of your repertoire as a teacher leader?REPLY TO MY CLASSMATE’S POST. EXPLAINING WHY YOU AGREE WITH HIS POST TO THE ABOVE DISCUSSION (A MINIMUM OF 150 WORDS EACH)CLASSMATE’S POSTThe most powerful partnership experience that I have witnessed has been the development of the school where I am currently teaching. Tsinglan School is beginning its 6th year of existence. The school is the product of a collaboration between Huawei and Tsinghua University. Both founding organizations wanted to create a bilingual international school that would benefit Huawei employees and adds to the growth of the Tsinghua University franchise. From my understanding, the school was in the planning phase for three years before they opened for grades K-6. Huawei has provided personnel to remain on campus to give updates, and Tsinghua University has sent the administrators to run the campus. They also met with the local community to develop a campus that benefited everyone. The original head of school was from Tsinghua University. She worked closely with Huawei to incorporate important technologies into the school. Speakers from Huawei and Tsinghua often visit the campus to give presentations or participate in events. The students are often invited to fly to Tsinghua to participate in events such as drama competitions, art shows, and academic events.I joined the school 2 1/2 years ago, so I was not part of the leadership team that began that began Tsinglan. However, I have witnessed the collaboration and have seen how they maintain a positive relationship between the founding organizations and the community. They have open communication, an open door policy (obviously with security taken into account), and everyone’s biggest priority is to provide the best education possible to the students. As a teacher leader, I hope that I can be as open with my communication. I should work harder to include parents in decisions for the grade level, and also invite them to observe and participate more often. It has been eye-opening to work in a school that is the product of strategic partnership.

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