two pages analyze 1

Topic: South Carolina presidential debate Requirement: You must watch South Carolina presidential debate in CNN (Today) then write 2 pages , must include: -Analyzing the debate -Your observation of Propaganda and Persuasion methods use during…

discussion post ethics 2

5-7 sentences Initial post (pick one): After reading Chapter 3 and reviewing the clips from the movie Dead Man Walking, discuss the procedural and substantive justice approaches to the death penalty in the United States, and elucidate what…

statistic module 6 statistical analysis for expiriment

My partner and I have been working on our experiment. It is about Compassion Fade Effect, and in our scenario, we are comparing if a person is more inclined to donate to a large corporation, we are using St. Jude Children's Hospital, compared…

questions posted below 2

Respond in a essay questions with a total of AT Least 300 words minimum for the entire assignment with the word count being evenly balanced so each has at least 4 full comprehensive sentences (minimum) - This will assist you in responding…