Vocabulary Strategies

Proficiency in academic language in all content areas is key to learning and achievement. Science involves a variety of academic terms essential to understanding science concepts.Part 1Review the Disciplinary Core Ideas from NGSS (physical sciences,…

child development 2

What are key changes in concrete operational thinking compared to the preoperational stage?How are decentering and reversal of operations important to the cognitive abilities shown in the concrete operational stage?

Assessment Strategies Presentation

Research assessment strategies that include formal, informal, formative, and summative assessments. Based on your findings, create a 12-15 slide presentation in which you include:Definition of formal assessment strategy and give one example.Definition…

Demonstrating the Dispositions

Our ECE master's program has been developed based on the following dispositions that learners are expected to embrace and demonstrate:Is committed to fairness.Is committed to personal and professional conduct that is both ethical and respectful…