Education Homework

Instructions:The main goal of this assignment is to give you the opportunity to select an application appropriate to an education or training program at a specific organization or institution. To clarify, an application is a specific product…

Assignment 1

Make sure to read the detailed instructions (pay special attention to the Microsoft Word template you will be using to organize your assignment) and the scoring guide (rubric) for Assignment 1: Employability Skills and the Future of Work.To…

Assignment: Schizophrenia Over Time: Experiences Living With the Illness

Select at least 2 articles from the following list for the Assignment.TEDx Talks. (2017, March 27). I am not a monster: Schizophrenia | Cecilia McGough | TEDxPSU [Video file]. Retrieved from, A., Ebrahimzadeh,…

8010WK 10

Some of the various sampling and data collection methods, as covered in this week’s readings, can be used across different research designs—quantitative, qualitative, or mixed. Again, as in previous weeks, the important consideration is…