community based corrections amp criminal victimization

Part I

***The minimum word count for the entire is 1200 words and you must include three scholarly sources! Scholarly sources do not count toward word count! You must use correct APA formatting to cite your sources. Be sure to read the entire assignment and address each issue/question posed. (References doesn’t count towards word count)***

Case Summary

1. Research offender reentry in the U.S. at THIS LINK. In a narrative format of 500 or more words, outline the issues, problems and concerns pertaining to offender reentry in the United States. Cite relevant changes, trends and other information to give an accurate overview of the current situation.

2. Are significant changes needed in regards to offender reentry into the communities? Discuss?

Case Analysis

3. As a member of the criminal justice system, discuss the pros and cons of a half-way house being opened in your neighborhood. Would you support or oppose this venture?

Part II

***The minimum word count for the entire is 250 words and you must include three scholarly sources! Scholarly sources do not count toward word count! You must use APA formatting to cite your sources. Be sure to read the entire assignment and address each issue/question posed. (References doesn’t count towards word count!)***

1. Human trafficking is the 3rd largest international crime and the second fastest growing international crime.

What makes human trafficking so appealing to traffickers?

(Remember to only use scholarly research that has been published within the past 5-10 years).

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