HERE THE LINK OF  Bennett SO YOU CAN FIND INFORMATIONhttps://www.vitalsource.com/logindunghoa[email protected]Family Education History–here is the gist for organizing it in a PowerPoint :), be sure to look for themes such a migration, educational challenges, privileges, social inequities, racism, discrimination, sexism, ageism, etc. Choose the themes specific for each person interviewed (maybe narrow down to two or no more than 3 dominant themes).How to go about it: ( THIS IS THE IDEA FOR YOU TO GET THROUGH IT)·  Prepare some initial questions to conduct the interviews. So, your questions might be about what was your education like? What were the expectations for you as a female, male, or person from another cultural background or society? You may see that the possibilities for one generation will be different based on the history. We can look for educational challenges and barriers; maybe there were linguistic challenges; maybe there were cultural challenges; religious challenges, challenges due to gender. A good question is always, “Oh, could you tell me more about that?”  We also talk about how they overcame, successes, too :).  Be prepared to ask clarifying questions in a second interview which can be by phone.· Interview (2) family members from (2) different generations from the same family using an audio recorder (as that will help you remember quotes from them) regarding their educational history (education includes informal education, work history and formal education) for possible migration/immigration, problems/challenges/successes in making a living/working and schooling.· After conducting your interviews, return to your notes about the various issues of history, culture, language and contemporary issues of the family’s respective cultural group in the U.S. including demographics, history, problems/challenges/successes, migration/immigration, socioeconomics, employment, formal education, religion, culture, language and so on.· Include Bennett or other readings (at least two readings) which can be related to some of the challenges of the history, culture, education, problems, challenges and/or successes of this respective cultural group. And/or you can relate particular concepts from the course as well.EXAMPLE OF STRUCTURE: YOU NEED TO DO THIS ONEFamily Education History–here is the gist for organizing it in a PowerPoint :), be sure to look for themes such a migration, educational challenges, privileges, social inequities, racism, discrimination, sexism, ageism, etc. Choose the themes specific for each person interviewed (maybe narrow down to two or no more than 3 dominant themes).About 10 slides of content (but maybe more slides because you can add pictures as well of individuals but 10 content as per the outline below– also, if you need to, you may go beyond 10 slides and you addressing some of the guidelines I cut and pasted for you below from the syllabus. Important to cite the text or other articles read to support some of your points).Slide 1 – introduction of what the family history is about (e.g., the two individuals, why you chose them)Slide 2 – about first individual backgroundmaybe include quote hereSlide 3 – about second individual backgroundmaybe include quote here (and for other slides try to include a quote here and there :)Slides 4 5 6 – Focus on one individual for about 2 to 3 more slides in which you describe quotes that are connected to various types of issues, challenges, or successes (as noted in the suggestions below) (should include quotes – I suggested in class, you pick the ones that are the most relevant–remember that your piece doesn’t have to touch on all issues below but you may focus on a few such as educational challenges, language barriers, etc.)Slide 7 – about second individual and how experience may have been different from the first one and whySlide 8 9 – about the second individualSlide 10 Conclusion and comparison of the two about how their struggles, challenges different and can also talk about their successesRemember, this PowerPoint will be about 10 slides in content you provide. As you add pictures; however, it may be longer and that is okay because it is visually appealing.What we will do is have students look at your PPT.Remember: After you have completed all of these slides, this is when you pull from Bennett or another article related to something that came up. So, make sure to include at least one quote from Bennett or other article in this presentation (to get full points).

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