Final Project 1

In your Personal Development Plan template, you will complete the following:SMART Goals:Write a SMART goal related to your academic development or refinement.Write a SMART goal related to your professional development or refinement.Strengths and Skills:Describe three skills or strengths that can help you achieve your academic development goal.Describe three skills or strengths that can help you achieve your professional development goal.Challenges and Obstacles:Describe two challenges, threats, or obstacles that could get in the way of achieving your academic goal.Describe two challenges, threats, or obstacles that could get in the way of achieving your professional goal.Action Plan:Describe three specific next steps to take to achieve your academic goal within your timeframe.Describe three specific next steps to take to achieve your professional goal within your timeframe.Support Resources:Describe two resources or supports that could help you achieve your academic goal.Describe two resources or supports that could help you achieve your professional goal.Monitoring Progress:Describe one plan, strategy, or tool you will use to monitor or measure your progress toward your academic goal.Describe one plan, strategy, or tool you will use to monitor or measure your progress toward your professional goal.Written Reflection:Explain how being mindful of your strengths, skills, and potential challenges or obstacles can impact your personal, academic, and professional growth in a minimum of 200 words.Describe how having grit, integrity, and a growth mindset contributes to your goal attainment in a minimum of 200 words.

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