take a position on whether you believe psychology is a global discipline

Post two convincing reasons why psychology is a global discipline. Explain why each reason you stated reflects future progress in establishing psychology as a global discipline. Next, post two of the most convincing reasons that refutethe claim that psychology is a global discipline. Explain why each reason reflects a lack of progress or progress yet to be made. Finally, take a position on whether you believe psychology is a global discipline. Justify your position.
twoof the most convincing reasons thatrefutethe claim that psychology is a globaldiscipline. Explain why each reason reflects a la

ck of progress or progress yet to be made.
Finally, take a position on whether you believe psychology is a global discipline. Justify your
positionPost two convincing reasons why psychology is a global discipline. Explain why each reason
you stated reflects future progress in establishing psychology as a global discipline. Next,
post two of the most convincing reasons that refutethe claim that psychology is a global
discipline. Explain why each reason reflects a lack of progress or progress yet to be made.
Finally, take a position on whether you believe psychology is a global discipline. Justify your


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