video response paper 2

The selection relates to the material we’ve been covering over the past few weeks. Pick one of the choices below and then, in the style of the response papers you’ve been doing, write up:

  • summary of movie
  • summary of economic issues
  • analysis of economic issues- be sure to tie this in to what we’ve been doing in class
  • your opinion of the video- did they do a good job portraying the topic(s), did you leave with more questions you’d like to research (if so, what are they), did the film seem objective or biased?

Your response should be 2-3 pages, including any references other than the video.

Please note that some of the videos contain strong language (Wall Street types are always swearing like the proverbial sailor in films) so you might want to check them out before you plan to watch them with your family!

due Monday

Video options:

Available on Netflix: Banking on Bitcoin (Links to an external site.), Saving Capitalism (Links to an external site.)

Available on Amazon: The Big Short (Links to an external site.)(some strong language),Enron, the Smartest Guys in the Room (Links to an external site.) (brief nudity), Inside Job (Links to an external site.)

Available streaming: Inside Job (Links to an external site.), any of these Frontline documentaries (Links to an external site.)

**If there’s a movie that you’d like to watch that is not listed, email me for approval.

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