writing two commercial scripts amp outlines on different subjects

For this assignment, you will be writing 2 commercials. Your written assignment must be a MINIMUM of 800 words(At least 400 words per commercial). You may have to read ahead in your textbook to complete this assignment. Your assignment needs to be in PARAGRAPH form, but I also want you to submit a NUMBERED response to the following 6 commercial requirements AND underline and/or bold when you mention the following within your commercial:

  1. Name of business/organization
  2. Length of commercial
  3. USP-Unique Selling Point
  4. Target audience
  5. Location of business or contact information
  6. Type of commercial


  1. Business Name: WRXP Broadcast Network
  2. Commercial Length: 60 sec.
  3. Unique Selling Point: Our engaging morning show.
  4. Target Audience: Men and women, local, ages 34-45, etc.
  5. Business Location and Contact Information: Birmingham, Ala., 205-555-555, 1305 Westville Road 32459
  6. Type of Commercial: Sale
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